The Journey to Transformative Impact begins with Good Intentions

For our inaugural newsletter, we had the privilege of interacting with the Impact and ESG Head of Aavishkaar Capital, Sowmya Suryanarayanan. Aavishkaar Capital has been a pioneering force in impact investing in India since its inception in 2001. Founded by Vineet Rai, it makes investments in businesses that not only generate financial returns

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ESG Risk Assessment

Businesses are increasingly acknowledging the importance of integrating sustainability aspects and recognizing their impact on people, planet and profits. From an investor's standpoint, ESG has emerged as a pivotal factor, not merely as an ethical consideration but as a strategic approach to identify resilient and forward-thinking businesses. ESG criteria play a crucial role

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Polar Ecosystems Restoration

The polar region takes into account the Arctic region around the North Pole and the Antarctic region around the South Pole. While both regions are covered in sea ice or ice sheets and have severely cold climate conditions, they have distinct features due to their locations. The Antarctic region is

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Wetlands Ecosystem Restoration

The planet has 7-9 million sq. km of wetlands, forming around 5% of its total land surface and spread throughout the world except Antarctica. In India, around 5% of the geographical area are wetlands with a total of 757,060 been mapped. Wetlands around the world support biologically diverse species and

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Freshwater Ecosystem Restoration

Freshwater accounts for less than 3% of all the water available on earth. More than half of this freshwater is perennially frozen, and some is groundwater in the form of aquifers. So, only about 0.5% of all water is available for humans and other species as surface freshwater. However, freshwater

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Forest Ecosystem Restoration

The development of humankind has been intrinsically dependent on forests. Forests cover 31% of the global land area and house most of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity. However, deforestation and forest degradation continue at alarming rates, contributing significantly to the ongoing loss of biodiversity. Hence it is of great importance to

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Marine Ecosystem Restoration

Around 71% of the Earth's surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5% of all Earth's water. Oceans feed us, regulate our climate, and generate at least 50% of the oxygen we breathe. Yet the marine ecosystem is some of the most heavily exploited and subject to extreme stress

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About Ecosystem Restoration

Conversations around environment protection in recent times have mainly revolved around climate change and controlling emissions to prevent further global warming. With the rise in human population, increasing consumption and improvement in lifestyles, natural resources have been under immense stress. Natural resources are part of delicately balanced ecosystems and their

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About Sustainable Finance

Sustainable finance has gained traction over the last decade in the financing community as discussions around sustainability and ESG became a core ask among shareholders and external stakeholders. According to google trends, ‘sustainable finance’ has seen a more than 11 fold surge in search volume over the past 10 years.

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Wastewater utility process diagnostics tool

Envint led the engagement in stealth mode for an early-stage start-up targeting the global water utility market.  Our work Adoption of a ‘systems-thinking’ approach to create an interlinked dataset of more than 100 operations issues with root-cause analysisCreation of user-friendly diagnostic flowcharts to enable step-by-step problem identification and solution selection Development

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