Human rights assessment as a part of over 100 cross-sector ESG due dilligences
Multiple clients across sectors
- 100+ ESG due diligence (ESG-DD) across various sectors, geographies, company sizes & investor requirements
- Human rights assessment an integral component across all such ESG-DDs
- Assessment of compliance with laws on worker wages, social benefits, leaves, working hours & conditions, harassment, etc.
- Engagement with employees & contract workers on their awareness of rights & safety procedures
- Assessment of systems deployed to protect human rights: grievance redressal,, child & forced labour practices, non-discrimination, etc.
- Human rights risk assessment of ~ $3 bn investments
- Mitigate key HR risks for violations on minimum wages, forced labour, work conditions, etc.
- Improved life & fire safety, reducing absenteeism & enhancing overall employee quality of life